Valentine’s Day Love Hearts

Love Hearts TinAt a risk of sounding a bit Bah Humbug, I am one of those people who think Valentine’s Day is all a bit of an over-hyped ‘thing’ in the calendar.

When you’re in a relationship, it’s nice to have special days and February 14th is as good a day as any I suppose. But what annoys me is the way restaurants and hotels put their prices up and every Tom, Dick & Sally jumps on the Hearts & Roses Bandwagon.

I am a ‘romantic’ and I do like to make sure we do ‘something special’ around Valentine’s Day but I kind of just treat Feb 14th as a reminder date to make an effort to do something fun/nice or eat/drink something fun/nice etc. Doesn’t have to actually be on ‘the day’. Got to say I love these Love Hearts in this cute retro tin. Fun & not too expensive.

You can have a lovely Romantic Day & show your other half you love him/her without buying hugely-expensive cards and without buying anything with the word Valentine on it. It’s cheaper & actually shows you’ve made more of an effort to be original. We’re going away on Friday for the weekend – just us, a bottle of bubbly and a hot tub at The Sherwood Hideaway – can’t wait!

Happy February 14th Everyone and Yes Nigel I DO Love You, massively (even though you get right up my nose sometimes….). mwah, mwah… xxxxxx

Mrs C
In a nutshell, I'm a Mum to three gorgeous daughters and two step-sons who are gradually making their own lives and leaving Mr. C and I plenty of time to enjoy life just as a couple again. I'm a big fan of Afternoon Tea & Corrie and hate, with a vengeance, violence in films! I love reading 'proper' books though I concede that my birthday Kindle was brilliant on holidays.

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